Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Okay folks, before this gets out of hand, two things:

I am not suggesting we get rid of all plastics!  I just want to limit my use of them, therefore my waste, and my exposure to potentially harmful chemicals (as I lovingly refer to, the ickiness).  I get it, there are some great things about plastics.  They can save our lives and enhance our quality of lives.

But what I'm going for here is to question what we're doing to the planet and ourselves.  I think everything is good in moderation.  Everything serves some purpose.  I think meat is good for the body, but that we don't need it at every meal.  So I eat meat, but local and organic stuff.  Sometimes I *think* I need a car, so I own one, which means I consume oil and gas, but take mass transit as often as possible.  And my job requires a computer, so I have that too.  But I don't think I need plastic bags and sandwich baggies and the newest latest greatest thing and fancy liquid soap that all requires me to throw away plastic.  It's about sustainability, and being aware of my impact and the impact of my stuff and how I live my life, and how that impacts me and the planet in the long run.

Watch this lady's video.  She's pretty good at articulating it.

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